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It is a device that converts energy from the sun into electrical energy through the photovoltaic effect

The photovoltaic effect is the photoelectric effect characterized by the production of an electric voltage between two pieces of a material that are in contact and exposed to light.

Photovoltaic cells are semiconductor devices that generate an electric current with sunlight.

Although solar panels have become more of a consumer good, there are still significant differences among them. These differences are not so much based on the product itself, but rather on the manufacturing company that backs the long-term warranties of the solar panels. Secondary ideas like this one, it would be of no use for a solar panel manufacturer to offer a 25-year warranty if, after 5 years of selling us our solar panel, they no longer exist. There will be no one to back our warranty.

The most important factor in correctly assessing the purchase of a solar panel is not so much the geographical location where it was manufactured. In the world of solar panels, there is a manufacturer that holds a 65% share of the global market, not only because it is the largest solar panel manufacturer, but also because it manufactures the photovoltaic cells used by the rest of the market. This manufacturer is LONGi, with an annual revenue of over 12 billion USD, which according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, makes it the strongest company in the world to support long-term warranties.

LONGi leads the technological race to increase the efficiency of its solar panels, having set the world record for efficiency for a photovoltaic module in 2022. This refutes the idea that all panels are the same and indistinguishable from one another.

LONGi has production factories in China, Malaysia, and Vietnam.

No, at PIREOS we have various solutions that do not require drilling into your roofs. We even offer non-penetrating adhesive solutions for corrugated metal roofs.

Yes, you do, but we take care of handling all the necessary procedures to deliver a complete project.

Signing an interconnection contract with CFE and a compensation contract for CFE to recognize the excess energy and reimburse it or apply it against our consumption during other hours.

There is an interconnection contract in which CFE recognizes your solar system and credits the generated kWh sent to the electrical grid; if your meter is old, it will be replaced with a bidirectional one (if your meter already has this function, it will be reprogrammed). CFE will only charge you for the difference between the energy you provided and the energy you consumed.

The compensation is the payment that a person or company commits to make to its counterpart in a transaction. This is done as a reward for the delivery of money, goods, or services.

No permit or authorization is required from CFE or CRE as long as the system does not exceed 500 kW.

In Mexico, the Income Tax Law allows for a 100% deduction for machinery and equipment used for energy generation from renewable sources. This means it would be treated as an expense, reducing taxes at the end of the fiscal year.

PIREOS team has over 20 years of experience in photovoltaic installations, which have been carried out both nationally and internationally. We have installed systems for over 200 commercial clients in Mexico.

We have the most comprehensive operation and maintenance policy in the market.

This allows us to have significant expertise in ensuring that your investment is a success. All these investments have a return of approximately 3 and a half years, and we can help you save up to 99% on your electricity bill.

Currently, solar energy offers the greatest economic and environmental benefits as it is clean, and cheaper than current CFE rates.

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Riesgos al instalar paneles solares

Adoptar prácticas más sostenibles y reducir la huella de carbono, la instalación de paneles solares en el sector industrial se ha convertido en una solución prometedora. No obstante, además de los claros beneficios ambientales y económicos, es fundamental tener en cuenta los posibles riesgos asociados a esta tecnología.


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